Welfare Forum 2022: the largest event dedicated to the world of Human Resources.

Event - Edenred Welfare Forum.

A YEG! production present in its capacity as Content Creator and House of Production, in the spaces of Superstudio Più in via Tortona.

On May 18, 2022 the appointment with the Welfare Forum, the annual event organized by Edenred Italia, was back in attendance, bringing together CEOs, HR directors and managers, opinion leaders, researchers and experts for an entire day to take stock of the role of corporate welfare in our country.

The central theme of the event was corporate welfare as a tool for social sustainability.

Three panel discussions, common thread the new normal and the impacts of corporate welfare on organizations, mobility and territory.

Three live workshops dedicated to topical issues of corporate welfare, identified in three macro areas: Health & Wellness, Digitization and Sustainability.

Three exceptional speakers brought their experience and point of view to the stage: Luciano Canova, economist, popularizer of science and expert in the economics of happiness and measurement of well-being, Virginia Stagni, Business Development Manager and FT Talent Director for the Financial Times, and Riccardo Luna, journalist, popularizer and innovator.

Hosted by Massimo Temporelli, physicist, president and founder of TheFabLab, and popularizer of science, technology and innovation culture, with the participation of Giorgia Surina, actress and radio and TV host.

Grazie! ti contatteremo presto.